Best Healthy Relationship Rules In Todays World

Would you recall what it was like living a decade ago, comparing it to how we live now? As we have adopted a more modern way of living, the way we interact with our loved ones has changed as well. How we express love in the past may not be as thoughtful as it was a decade ago, but there are a few good old gestures that still show intimacy. So here are some of the modern essential relationship rules that will keep the love alive with your partner:

1. Respect for each other.

Respect is required in every kind of relationship. Showing respect to your significant other means that you value them as a human being - not just because you are required to. And yes - even in love - honesty is the best policy.

Sometimes, being too comfortable can make you forget about respect. Make sure that you are responding and acting within each other's boundaries.

2. Give some space.

It is important to give your partner their own personal space for them to grow and have personal achievements. Giving enough time for his/her interest shows that you value what they want to accomplish in life. It doesn't mean that you have to let them do whatever they want like they are alone - that's why it is important to show your support in their own endeavors.

Beware of giving too much attention - it can be exhausting to the receiving end. Once your partner becomes too comfortable, they may feel that it's okay to put themselves first and neglect your needs. Make sure that both of you know the limits of pursuing personal success.

3. Learn from you and your partner's past.

Being in a relationship requires acceptance that you love the person whatever he/she did or had in the past. Leaving the past behind may be helpful for some instances, but make sure that your partner is aware of what you've been through. It allows them to avoid the same mistake you experienced, and get to know you better.

Nobody's perfect - and no one really is. Attaining perfection in a relationship can be very boring. Take note to always learn from past mistakes, and move forward with a better perspective. Bringing up the past can be very painful to your partner, so make sure that you find the right time to discuss it with him/her.

4. Love and care - show it all the time!

A lot of people would link the word 'love' with 'care. If we love someone, we should care for them and show how much they mean to us. Being thoughtful, expressing love in different ways, the sweet gestures - all of these actions show how much a person means to you.

For a relationship to work, two people must exert love, time, and effort in order for it to sail smoothly. It is like a puzzle piece, you must be a perfect fit for each other to make it complete. Be expressive of your love (even in your own way) to make sure that your partner feels your affection. If you are the receiving end, recognize the love you receive by responding through words or appropriate action.

5. Research about love.

Companies having couples as their target market would always come up with new ways on how partners can show their love with one another. We would agree that a lot of people still appreciate a handwritten card to show their love, but technological advancements also help modern-day lovers express what they truly feel. Have you ever heard about the Couple Bracelet for Long-Distance Lovers?

Researching how to express love in unique ways keeps love alive and interesting. The internet is always the easiest and best resource of information. Get unique gift ideas for your partner, or learn a new language to express your love with the help of today's technologies.

6. Tell him/her what you really feel.

Unless your partner is a fortune teller, you should let them know what you really feel in certain scenarios. Be vocal on what you need, and be open to discussion for the resolution. Let them know if you're mad, instead of suddenly ignoring him/her. Relationships have ups and downs, and letting them acknowledge your feelings will make you feel better.

Practice having open conversations with your partner. Being open will help your partner understand you better, solve problems easier as they arise, be more comfortable with tough conversations, and how to adapt during the bad times.

Avoid giving the 'silent treatment' whenever you are anxious to your partner. Unresolved issues should be fixed immediately, and never bring them to bed, or carry them until the next day. Communication is a very important aspect of a relationship because it helps them understand each other better.

7. Avoid taking too much advice from other people.

Getting random advice from friends or family is not that bad. However, what they have experienced may be different from what your relationship is going through. Assume that nobody understands your relationship with your partner other than the two of you. Resolving conflict in a relationship is best solved when only the two of you are involved. There are times where friends can urge you to talk ill about your partner, and things can get more complicated.

8. Teamwork is required!

Based on Rule Number 2, personal space is important. But it doesn't beat the sense of teamwork of two people in love! Enjoying life together, as well as getting along with your differences gives a sense of togetherness. Sharing the joy as well as the pain is one of the wonderful feelings in this world. It reminds you that your partner is your better half, and they are with you no matter what will happen in life. Always make them your priority as teamwork requires two people working together for the better.

Following these 8 healthy relationship rules will undoubtedly keep the fire burning. Being in love feels so good, but knowing that the person you love loves you back is the best of them all. Having a healthy relationship will always bring joy to each other's hearts.

Photo Credit

Photo by Radu Florin from Pexels



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