Easy Ways to Make Long Distance Relationships Work

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Being away from some you love is hard. It must be harder when you are miles apart, and you can't feel them physically. There are a lot of challenges faced by couples in a Long Distance Relationship. Are you curious if this kind of relationship works?

You might have probably know someone who is in this kind of relationship, or you yourself are in it. Both parties experience the struggle of being away from each other for a long period of time. The best way to know if they can keep the love alive even being physically absent is how they can make it better to the common challenges that they face.

How they view the relationship

Usually, men and women have different views when it comes to love. Men are stereotyped to be more interested in sex, while women are invested in emotions. Though they may be true in some cases, couples in a long-distance relationship sometimes miss the chance to engage in a more intimate conversation. This happens because there are times where they would like to catch up on topics that are more interesting for them.

Technology has helped people to communicate with one another even if the other one is on the other side of the world. Video calling and messaging apps will help in talking more deeply about their relationship. It would be best if they can schedule it regularly.

Money matters

Some couples consider other couples lucky if they have a chance to visit their partner on a regular basis. The farther the location, the more expensive it is to be physically present for your significant other. Besides, gifts that are shipped overseas are also costly.

Even if financially challenged, opting to give a gift can also make their partner feel loved. Ask a common friend (that is present locally to his/her partner) to buy a surprise gift or arrange a virtual dinner date. The key is to think out of the box when getting a Long Distance Relationship Gift, and remembering those small details on what the other wants. The growth of locally-based eCommerce sites can also help save on shipping costs. Make sure to never forget a valentine day gift and for other important occasions as well!

Expectation Vs. Reality


The common dilemma for couples in this relationship is what they expect from their partner when they meet face-to-face. Sometimes they expect too much and become unrealistic about what they want to see or feel from their partner. There are times when they also compare other couples in the same situation to their own relationship.

It will help if each one will lower their expectation from their partner and be more understanding. For sure, they have their own reason why they need to be away with them for now. He/she may need to spend time with his immediate family or need to work in another country for career and/or financial growth. If the person truly loves the other, there will come a time where both of them will be together for good.

Getting more emotional

Some people find it hard to say it in person, while others find it difficult to express what they feel if not said face-to-face. Even if the internet is a very effective tool when it comes to communication, couples in this kind of relationship tend to keep their emotions at bay to maintain the relationship in a 'smooth sailing condition'.

Express real emotions even when on the call or through messaging. This will help the partner to pay attention to those small details and be better at what they can do to the other. Saving your emotions when you can finally meet can ruin the opportunity to spend time together physically.

People who are in a long-distance relationship have to surpass more difficulties, in comparison to those who have the privilege to meet their partner easily. The best advice one can give to them is to have more open communication, be more understanding of each other's needs, and always find the time to focus on the relationship. These couples can't feel their partner's sense of touch for now - but if they love each other - they can find ways on how to be together forever.


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