Easy Ways to Make Long Distance Relationships Work

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels Being away from some you love is hard. It must be harder when you are miles apart, and you can't feel them physically. There are a lot of challenges faced by couples in a Long Distance Relationship. Are you curious if this kind of relationship works? You might have probably know someone who is in this kind of relationship, or you yourself are in it. Both parties experience the struggle of being away from each other for a long period of time. The best way to know if they can keep the love alive even being physically absent is how they can make it better to the common challenges that they face. How they view the relationship Usually, men and women have different views when it comes to love. Men are stereotyped to be more interested in sex, while women are invested in emotions. Though they may be true in some cases, couples in a long-distance relationship sometimes miss the chance to engage in a more intimate conversation. This happens becaus...